
Creating A Garden Sanctuary

An interesting thing about patience is that it can sometimes be rewarded long after any goal is reached.  This is one of the many gifts watching a plant grow will give.  Watching many plants grow in harmony over time is the gift that keeps on giving, in many ways.  I had no idea when I first started the lawn to food forest transformation that I was starting a project that was going to transform how i saw everything relating to it, a vision that was only going to be transformed over time, gradually, with patience and a continuous sense of curiosity and wonder.

They say the best gardeners know what’s going on by just sitting and observing, observing the slow changes in plant growth, the insects and other life that visit or make the garden home, and all the signals and communications going on during different times of the year.  Another secret is the awareness that you are actually manifesting, or channeling, a new world around you, a living, breathing, conscious world.  This world slowly but very powerfully, becomes a sanctuary, an escape, not from, but to a connection humanity has always had with the material world, one of direct interaction, mystery, and mutual benefit.  Imagine, a world, if appreciated and loved in the right way, made of healthy nutritious food and living, growing walls, that is always changing, that actually speaks to you, and that provides not just food, but an understanding that for humanity, the garden has always been a sanctuary…