
Men's Health

Men’s Health – Everybody’s Growing Concern

The State of Men’s Health

Recent studies show that in almost every place around the world, men have shorter life expectancy than women. Not just that, male mortality is also higher for almost all primary causes of death. Around 57% of from ages 65 and older are female and by age 85, 67% are women. On average, women have about 5 years longer lifespan than men in the U.S. and about 7 years longer worldwide.

An Issue That Must Solved

We often hear anecdotes about how men would not communicate things if the topic is about their problems. It is being depicted as showing weakness and some may refer to it as being “less masculine”. The issue arises when the said problem was not solved or ignored for too long and it becomes something very difficult to handle.

This is a common problem among men, especially when handling their health issues. They will most likely hide or deny it even if they are already feeling something wrong in their bodies. If you are in this situation, we would like to tell you that asking for help or advice is the right thing to do. To solve this, we must be proactive in identifying health issues before they become too serious. Here are some of the most common diseases men face:

  • Cardiovascular Disease – one in four men has some form of heart disease and is the leading cause of death in the United States.
  • Lung Cancer – the leading cause of cancer death. The earlier cancer is found, the better your chances of beating it.
  • Prostate Cancer – one in nine men will be diagnosed during their lifetime and is the most common non-skin cancer among American men.
  • Depression – usually results from family history, early life experiences, stressful events, or a combination of these factors. It’s important to be aware of your thoughts, moods, and behaviors.
  • Diabetes – is a silent health threat and is more common among people over 40 if they’re overweight or lack physical activity.

We must be cautious if there are any symptoms showing. It will be always better to identify the problem at the earliest stage possible. Changing our habits and moving towards a healthier option is always a welcome change.

The AgelessWorkout Approach

Prevention is better than cure that’s why in the AgelessWorkout tribe, we take action even before any disease occurs. Even if we already feel healthy, we consistently take precautions by improving our lifestyle. We know that issues surrounding men’s health could be difficult to talk about but it is crucial to have discussions about this matter.

One of the things that we take pride in our Ageless Workout Tribe is that we build not just connections but actual relationships with them. We establish a foundation of trust by employing a safe and secure environment for our tribe. By providing motivation and professional guidance, we are confident to say that we are moving towards the best quality of life.



  1. Summit Medical Group, “Why Men’s Health is Also a Woman’s Issue”, Jun 5, 2022,
  2. US Department of Veteran Affairs, “Men’s Health”, Feb 10, 2022,
  3. My HealtheVet, “Top 5 Health Threats to Men”, Nov 29, 2021,